Why Encouraging Inclusive Play in Your Park is Important
No child is alike and children are just as diverse as the communities where they live. So it only makes sense to create public playground environments that meet the needs of the children in your community. The design consultants at Playgrounds Etc works with communities every day to design inclusive playgrounds in Texas for parks, schools, churches, and more. Together with us, you will be able to create meaningful inclusive playground environments for every child in your community.
Our Philosophy on Creating Inclusive Playgrounds
Playgrounds Etc believes that every child is unique and must have a premier playground experience no matter his or her abilities. Each playground experience must do its best to include taking part in playground activities that challenge and promote children’s healthy development such as physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and sensory abilities. We work with every customer to make sure each playground we design promotes the healthy development of the children that play on it.
What is the difference between inclusive playgrounds and accessible playgrounds?
The biggest difference between an inclusive playground and an accessible playground is an inclusive playground allows children of all abilities to play with every playground activity on the structure. An accessible playground allows children to access some parts of the playground but not all. Playground environments that allow individuals of all ages and abilities to come together in play can connect communities beyond the playground.
The Benefits of Outdoor Inclusive Playground Equipment
Meets the needs of every individual of every ability
Don’t settle for a playground design that only allows some of the children in your community to access some of the activities on the playground. An inclusive playground allows any child of any age of any ability to use any feature of the playground.
Allow children of all abilities to play in unison
This is also called parallel play. It is a type of play that allows children to play side-by-side with their friends no matter their abilities or limitations. Multiple access points and ramps allow children that rely on wheelchairs for transportation to reach the same playground activities as those that aren’t reliant on wheelchairs.
Creates opportunities for children to get creative while playing
Inclusive playgrounds include many elements and activities to engage the senses. Having inclusive playground equipment allows all children to use the playground in multiple different ways. In one part of the playground, children could be playing dramatic play or engaging their senses at a sensory station, while the other children can be experiencing musical sounds or acting out with dramatic play playground equipment.
What to Include in an Inclusive Playground
Multiple access points
When intentionally designing an inclusive playground, it’s important to create multiple access points for entry. These could include ramps, stairs, climbers, etc. Providing multiple access points allows children to independently access all of the play activities.
Variety of play events that supports the healthy development of children
Inclusive playgrounds offer a variety of playground events that support their physical, emotional, sensory, cognitive, and social needs.
Examples of Inclusive Playgrounds
Here are a few examples of inclusive playgrounds that Playgrounds Etc has helped our customers create.
Dennis the Menace Themed Playground, Midland, TX

Myrtle Wilks Community Center, Cisco, TX

Ready to plan your inclusive playground with the best in Texas? Contact us today!
Learn more about our services and contact us to request your free no-obligation consultation at your park or municipal facility!
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